…I luhb pAiNtinGs, aNd pOetRy, clothes, music, dancing.. hAngiNg Out, pArtiEs, fLipFlopZ, MY HAIR, stuffed toys, CHOCOLATES , WARM BROWNIE CUP nd BROWNIE ALA MODE...i luhhB the name Kirby...


Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks but it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world and it keeps gettin' better…

t0 my friends
to my friends:
When your life falls apart, always remember that I will be the one who will stay to help you pick the pieces up && when the rest of the world walks out on you remember not to close the door because I am the one who will be walking in to help you through it all.

[.....love ya.....]

here’s to the SHIT we talk. the GUYS we stalk.
the way we SHOP. the laugh we CAN’T stop.
the gossip we SPILL. The LOOKS that could KILL.
to having each other’s back, to the next morning getting the facts
downing the BEERS and spilling the TEARS
we’ll stay TOGETHER through the YEARS…